Trade licence in Czech republic in 3 days!!!

Trade licence in Czech republic in 3 days!!!

Get a Czech Tradelicense in no time!

Starting a business or working as a freelancer in Prague / Czech Republic is not difficult!

Dealing with the taxoffice, social charges and health contributions etc is also not complicated

IF we register your tradelicense. Usually it takes only 3 days,
and we take care of all difficulties for you.

Since we are accountants, we can also do your accounts (bookkeeping), tax advise / tax filing and give you business training (included FOR FREE in our accountancy service packages), so you can concentrate on what you know best:
your business.

Some Facts:

A Tradelicense is called "Živnostenský list"
in the Czech language

A Tradelicense is called "Živ. list" or even "zivno"
by most foreigners

A Tradelicense is easier, cheaper and faster to setup (and stop) than an s.r.o. (a company)

"Tradelicense" does not have to mean "small business", you can have a turnover of millions and even employees

You can have a Tradelicense and be employee at the same time, or put it on hold while you're employee

With a Tradelicenses you probably pay far less taxes and are able to deduct more expenses than an employee

So... get a tradelicense now, there are plenty of business- and freelance opportunities, especially in Prague.

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